Petr Faltus technical resources
Panasonic DMR-EX773 firmware - March 4 2012
Sony RDR-HX520 firmware - January 19 2009Philips DVP5960/12 firmware - August 30 2011
NEC DVD-RW ND-1300A firmware - December 12 2003
Technisat Multymedia TS1 TechniPort Editor - November 8 2008
Kaon KTSC 570 firmware - January 23 2008
Golden Interstar firmware - November 4 2008AB CryptoBox 652HD Combo firmware - January 30 2018
Headphones schematic diagrams - December 11 2022
CB transceivers - March 14 2021
Antennas datasheets and user guides - February 19 2021Software-defined radio (SDR) - May 27 2020
TV monoscope - October 10 2020
Electronic component
Bipolar transistors datasheets - July 13 2017
Diodes datasheets - July 13 2017
Unipolar transistors datasheets - July 13 2017Crystal oscillators datasheets - July 14 2017
Voltage references datasheets - July 14 2017
Voltage regulators datasheets - July 13 2017Audio amplifiers datasheets - October 18 2016
Buffers datasheets - October 18 2016
CMOS datasheets - October 07 2016
Digital-to-analog converters datasheets - July 19 2017
Display drivers datasheets - October 18 2016
Dividers datasheets - October 18 2016
Drivers datasheets - October 24 2016
EEPROM datasheets - October 18 2016
Microcontrollers datasheets - July 19 2017
Mixers datasheets - October 18 2016
Modulators and demodulators datasheets - October 18 2016
Monolithic HF amplifiers datasheets - December 12 2004
Operational amplifiers datasheets - October 18 2016
PLL circuits datasheets - September 23 2016
Receiver circuits datasheets - October 18 2016
Temperature circuits datasheets - July 27 2001
Tone decoders datasheets - October 18 2016
TTL datasheets - October 18 2016
Watchdogs datasheets - October 18 2016
My name is Petr Faltus.
I was born, I grew up and I live in Prague (in Czechia 🇨🇿 in EU 🇪🇺).
I am: The software and hardware developer. The tester. Computer networking, web, databases and radioelectronics knowledge. Multi-talented. With multidimensional thinking. Speaking german, english and russian. My interests are: Health, Hiking, Biking, Programming, Computer Networks, Databases, Electrical Engineering, Radioelectronics, Satellite TV, Satellite Radio, Foreign Languages, Railways, Trams. My favorite cities are: Prague, Zlín, Berlin, Innsbruck, Dresden, Vienna, Seattle (WA). This my private web creation is available completely for free. But if you want to support financially me, my pleasure to accept it (currently I have no income) and in advance thank you very much. For this case my donation account number within Czechia is 375486596/2010, from abroad the IBAN code is CZ22 2010 0000 0003 7548 6596.
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